Taiji addresses the importance of localizing developer websites, focusing on the specific challenges faced by Japanese developers. He explains why relying solely on English websites is limiting and highlights the value of local content that caters to cultural and technical nuances.
Taiji explores the pros and cons of machine versus human translation, and how IBM combines both methods for effective localization. He also underscores the need for original, country-specific content that resonates with local developers. The talk provides valuable insights into how localization goes beyond translation to truly connect with global developer communities.
Taiji: What difference between Japan and the other country was used? English at this second language. What do you think about that? In Japan case, possible to study work and live with only Japanese completely. We can study in Japanese, we can work in Japanese, we can live in Japanese without English or other languages in Japan, right? It is very important point. The difference between Japan and other countries, I think. Okay, these are the today's agenda of my session.
First topic, why it is bad using English site originally. Second topic, who will access our technical website? Third topic, how should we make our contents in our site? And last topic, importance of developer websites specifically in country. Okay, first of all, I'd like to talk that why it is about using English site originally.
Okay? What kind of issues please think what kind of issues will be happening for developer site? Only English is used for your country. In your country. In my case, for Japanese developers. I guess it, it's difficult to understand for them, right? And nobody read them. Nobody access there.
Let's imagine there is developer website, which only English is used. First time access, okay, let's access to for example, IBM developer website. I have to localise it and when I accessed there, oh no yet localised, okay, I help to will be localising next time I visit. Okay? Second time access. I helped to localise it or not yet localised again. And the third time access maybe, I guess not yet. Localised this site.
It is very lost opportunity to access to reach developers for us. Okay, opportunity lost. Okay, move to the next topic. Who will access our technical site? What do you think about this number? 1. 05 billion. I actually 1.
05 billion English speakers on the internet now and just 0. 1 billion Japanese speakers on the internet. It's very, very small market. Let's think if you are chief editor or manager or owner of your own technical website, developer's website. If the original is an English site, your site is used, only English is used. Think the cost advantage of creating a Japanese website. Maybe it's raw as a point of view globally despite them. But we need local contents why that I described after that.
Okay, move to next topic.
How should we make our contents in our site? Think what kind of contents are needed for local site? Come on, let's what kind of contents it is. Just for example, I think these contents are needed for local developers. Troubleshooting case study, API documents, any kind of tutorials, how to build applications, knowledge for operation, kind of developer communities and technology mirrors what's new, right? I guess that if you have your own developer site, probably you have this kind of contents in your developer site, right? Lots of developers when they access the developer website, usually they want to get this kind of information on the internet. That's why they access to any developer website.
I think of course these original websites are existing.
But in English I said again, I say again that it's very hard to understand. It's very difficult to understand and very difficult to get meaning of this contents for lots of Japanese people. And I guess that some countries which has not English speakers in their countries the same situation as Japan situation, right? So how should we localise our developer site? How? What? It's very difficult question. How should we localise our developer website?
It's kind of example with my experience. I hope this help you to improve your developer website. I hope so. Okay. Okay. This is the full translation situation.
This case is automation translation by AI machine translator. It has a process and cons plus high speed and low cost and of course by machine translator. So stable quality other hand what cause health for example, general translation, not specific. It means that's why the need training, training specific knowledge, specific words, specific sentence. And often this kind of translator is a low quality other hand manual translation case by technical expert. Of course it has protein accounts also and plus has for example specific translation of course in by specific technology expert, right? So specific translation is possible to translation and high quality and no translation platform needed.
And cons is what? Long lead time due to manual operation and high cost depends translated and it's, I think it's cons topics. Okay, I described the manual translation and the machine translation. So next I'd like to tell you guys my knowledge in our IBM developer website case. Okay? Actually we use both translation, the machine translation and the human translation for website titles. Four page overviews and four website menu titles. These are translated by the machine translation and after that was few review some reviewer review the website translated by machine translator and revised and fixed it and head hand human translation case example, four articles, four blogs, four tutorials and for call patents.
The call patents is IBM specific name for more specific tutorials with any scenario of business and we have both type translation and we need the process to synchronise when the original site is updated. How should we know that? It's hard to catch the update timing of original side.
So with the help of we use with the help problem CCMS or repository management like GitHub or something like that. Okay. Okay. Last topic I want to move to. I described about translation forer website, right? But localised means not only translation but also local original custom. It's very important. System development situation depends on each country.
I mean for example in Japan case in Japan currently our situation, the IT industry, we have lots of contraction based development as an order made. So we have not a lot of developers in enterprise company, lots of developers are in system integrated. It's based a unique and specific Japan collagen Japan situation. It's different of America or Europe, right? That's why we need to create a local contents. Depends these kind of situation. Japan specifically we need local original contents which consider the culture need to understand our local culture developer website contents.
It's better to balance the original contents from the original English website and the local original contents. As a 70 person and 30 person, just in my opinion and from my knowledge, okay, IBM developer, I said sometimes it's maybe formally known as developer works. It's IBM developer website. Now we got renamed developer works to IBM developer. Okay? These are the IBM developer original English website and the Japan local website. The same layout, same web page design and just look seems like the same contents but we have the original contents about 30% in our local, the profile website difference between original US website and our site. It's very just an example.
Okay? And one of them is a tutorials by Japanese author. It's Hyperledger fabric for beginner. The tutorials. This author is IBM Japan employee. So written by in Japanese language English original IBM developer website not has this article in it and IBM code patterns I described about tutorials more specifically and I called patterns.
We have the cover page as an overview of the code patterns. This the structure of image of the solution or the application. But all of them have get the code bottom. When you press the bottom, get the code, it's direct to the GitHub repository. And the GitHub repository has a Rhythm md. It's a markdown text. Basically. Rhythm MD is the description.
How to make this application originally in English, but some contents has rhythm. J md, this is duplicate within Japanese language. The same contents but high JA MD is written in Japanese. This point. GitHub repository is open repository is anybody can contribute them. If you want to get some Japanese how to build application tech, of course you can make it and pull request as you can become a contributor of our website, right?
Let's access attp s current slash slash gid. com/i PM. You can check it And also we should support external advocate programme locally. IBM champion programme is a kind of external advocate programme, but this programme is English original. We have no Japan managers before that. But currently I am BM, sorry, IBM Champion programme Japan regional director. So I sometimes the write the kind of article or news of IBM champion programme on our developer website. It's very important content for us and for developers.
Okay, conclusion. Discover your developer site potential with localised need. Translation. Localised not equal translation, local original contents is needed. Point of view of developer is very important. Okay, and work with us please. If you are interested in working at IBM, please contact me. Okay, that's it.
Thank you.
MC: Thank you Taiji. So we have some questions for you?
Taiji: Yes.
MC: And the first question is, what kind of content is unique to Japan? For example, is this example of original Japanese content? It's mean maybe what is the unique points or there is no content in the global, but there is just only Japan or something.
Taiji: I see it's good question. I showed you guys Japan local article, right? This kind of contents Japan specific contents. It means, so depends the country. Each country has a specific technology which are used popularly for their culture and their industry. For example, in Japan, some middleware were already moved to outside IBM, kind of the domino and the nodes or IBMZ and mainframe power systems or something like that. So we need to make or create articles or tutorials or blocks for these kind of middlewares or some hardware or mainframe always or something like that. But I'm not sure the other country needs to this kind of contents for the developers in their countries locally.
Is it answer for this question?
MC: Okay. So second question is, what do you think about the quality of AI translations? Many people said it's spooky, right?
Taiji: I don't think a good quality, but depends on the machine translated you use. We have the Watson translator, but Watson translator is basically need to train with some specific knowledge. Therefore, industries work, job, they want to use translator because of the Watson translator is not public for kind of B2C service. But for example, Google Translator is published for the B2C service as a Google translator. Everybody can use Google Translator on the internet, but the Watson translator is not, that's why we need to train some words to a Watson translator. I mean, depends on each translator. A machine translator, I think.