
The latest DevRel podcast episodes from DeveloperRelations.com.

For in-depth, actionable discussion of current developer relations topics, watch and listen to our DevRel Roundtable podcast.

To learn which books you should be adding to your DevRel reading list, join the DevRel Book Club podcast. In each episode, a DevRel professional shares how one book has influenced their career.

Developer newsletters and DevRel

Developer newsletters and DevRel

DevRel and Community: episode 2 of the DevRel Survival Guide

Community and DevRel

What you need to know as a DevRel professional when planning, building, and measuring developer communities.

DevRel Survival Guide: volume 1, AI

AI and DevRel

How are DevRel teams using AI tools? And what should you be planning in your own developer relations practice, as well as your team's strategy?

DevRel and mental health

Mental health and developer relations

Are developer relations, and tech generally, careers that impose mental health struggles on people? Join our panel as they share their experience.

Dirty Words DevRel Roundtable

How To Build Beautiful Friendships with Marketing and Sales

For most organisations that pursue DevRel, it’s part of a broader go-to-market motion that brings together Marketing and Sales, amongst others. So, how can DevRel, Marketing, and Sales work together most effectively, especially when they risk treading on each others’ toes?

Tribal Leadership with Lian Li

Tribal Leadership with Lian Li

Loft Lab’s Lian Li shares ‘Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups To Build A Thriving Organization’, in DevRel Book Club.

Looking ahead to conference season

Looking ahead to conference season

Here we look ahead to the start of conference season 2023, covering ways in which DevRel teams can make the most out of the events they attend and also taking into account the effect of the economic downturn on the tech industry.

Engineering Management for the Rest of Us with Amy Mbaegbu

Engineering Management for the Rest of Us

In this episode of DevRel Book Club, Adyen's Amy Mbaegbu shares Sarah Drasner's ‘Engineering Management for the Rest of Us’.

Data driven community management

Data driven community management

Richard Millington joins this panel to share how to interpret and act on data from your community, with insights from GitHub and Common Room.

Getting your first DevRel job

Getting your first job in DevRel

What does it take to get your first developer relations job? And then to build a career you love?

Re-engaging communities after a break

Re-engaging communities after a break

Communities can hit a slowdown after a long break, such as the holiday season or over summer. Hear recommendations for how to re-engage your community.

The Cambridge Handbook of Computing Education Research

The Cambridge Handbook of Computing Education Research with Joe Nash

Developer education is an increasingly important area of developer relations. Joe Nash shares an academic text that can help us level up how we approach developer education in DevRel.

DevRel Book Club: Laziness Does not Exist with Jessica Rose

Laziness Does not Exist with Jessica Rose

Jessica Rose shares how the book Laziness Does not Exist has impacted her approach to work and DevRel.

DevRel New Year's resolutions roundtable

DevRel New Year’s Resolutions

Wesley Faulkner, PJ Hagerty, and Julia Biro join hosts Rebecca Marshburn and Matthew Revell to share their hopes for DevRel in 2023 and to reflect on 2022.

DevRel Book Club: Quiet with Bekah Hawrot Weigel

Quiet with Bekah Hawrot Weigel

Bekah Hawrot Weigel shares how Susan Cain's book on the power of introverts has influenced her career in developer relations.