DevRelCon Tokyo 2019

6 June 2019 to 7 June 2019

Nihonbashi Tower, Tokyo, Japan

The third DevRelCon Tokyo returned to the Nihonbashi Tower for an English language event drawing speakers from across Asia and Australasia, as well as Europe and the Americas.

Talks from DevRelCon Tokyo 2019

A tour of developer relations tools

A tour of developer relations tools

Finding tools to help with developer relations work isn't always straightforward but, in this talk from DevRelCon Tokyo 2019, Jessica Rose of Mozilla and Matt Rose of GitHub provide a tour of tools they recommend to help people working in dev rel.

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Attract developers with a killer developer portal

Attract developers with a killer developer portal

What does it take to create a great developer portal? Avital Tzubeli shares Kaltura's journey that has led them to support 30 programming languages with first-class client libraries.

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Optimizing for developer happiness

Optimizing for developer happiness

GitHub's Brian Douglas talks about how to create developer experiences that are designed for developer happiness

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