DevRelCon London 2018

7 November 2018 to 8 November 2018

QEII Centre, London, UK

Switching to a two day programme for the first time, the 2018 edition of DevRelCon London saw a day of unconference sessions at the Microsoft Reactor in Shoreditch followed by the main conference at the QE II Centre in Westminster.

Talks from DevRelCon London 2018

Five tips for developer content marketing

Five tips for developer content marketing

Making sure that what you’re writing is useful, interesting, and timely isn’t easy when you’re juggling a full dev rel programme.

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An API spec driven developer experience journey

An API spec driven developer experience journey

An OpenAPI spec is about more than auto-generated reference docs.

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Applying visual design principles to API design

Applying visual design principles to API design

API design might seem to be entirely non-visual but Ably’s CEO [Matthew O’Riordan](https://twitter.

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Building your internal army

Building your internal army

Building developer relationships isn’t a solo mission—stop drowning and start collaborating with the people already around you.

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Confessions of a nervous public speaker

Confessions of a nervous public speaker

Advice on how to handle giving talks in DevRel when you're a nervous public speaker.

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Cultivating community through events

Cultivating community through events

Couchbase’s senior developer community manager [Laura Czajkowski](https://twitter.

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Cultivating empathy

Cultivating empathy

Red Hat’s [Leslie Hawthorn](https://twitter.

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Design your content strategy with data

Design your content strategy with data

Using data to inform your content strategy can give you insights into what to write, who to write to for and when to publish.

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Dev rel and enterprise sales: an unlikely partnership

Dev rel and enterprise sales: an unlikely partnership

Directly partnering with your sales team can have a dramatic effect on your product’s value both to your community and your company.

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Documentation as practical empathy

Documentation as practical empathy

Beautifully crafted documentation takes practice and skill.

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Getting intentional about educating developers

Getting intentional about educating developers

Joe shares the benefits of devising tailored programmes, the four learning principles, and the achievements of the award-winning GitHub Campus Experts.

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Kicking the hornets' nest

Kicking the hornets' nest

Don draws on his previous career as a philosophy academic to ask some awkward questions about developer relations.

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Open source and the DevRel origin myth

Open source and the DevRel origin myth

Simon Phipps explains why software freedom is at the very core of developer relations.

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Pass the torch and drop the ball

Pass the torch and drop the ball

A robust replacement plan is a great resource with benefits for you, your replacement, and your community.

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ROI is a trap!

ROI is a trap!

Steve suggests ROI is a trap and offers alternative ways to steer the discussion to a more useful focus.

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Rules for creating great developer CLIs

Rules for creating great developer CLIs

Heroku’s Nahid Samsami and Jeff Dickey are behind the Heroku developer CLI and the Open CLI framework.

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Surviving 1,000+ PRs from Hacktoberfest

Surviving 1,000+ PRs from Hacktoberfest

How the SendGrid team handled an overwhelming response to their Hacktoberfest participations.

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Sympathy for the DevRel

Sympathy for the DevRel

Empathy is a big theme in developer relations but we've got to remember that it goes both ways.

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The Art of Talk Design

The Art of Talk Design

Drawing on her extensive experience of conference speaking, Mel shares insights that are a must-see for anyone working in developer relations.

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The four archetypes of developer champion programmes

The four archetypes of developer champion programmes

When choosing a developer champion programme there are four archetypes to build on: reward and motivate, force multiplier, content factory and land and expand.

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Unleashing the power of code

Unleashing the power of code

Mo shares the IBM approach to engaging developers.

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What Mean Girls taught us about building communities

What Mean Girls taught us about building communities

When it comes to building your community, there are some lessons to learn from the movie Mean Girls.

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