
Tristan Sokol speaking at DevXcon 2017

Tristan Sokol speaking at DevXcon 2017

Making SDKs: the bespoke, the hopeful and the generated

Square’s Tristan Sokol spoke at DevXcon 2017 about how they build SDKs for their REST APIs.

Josh Dzielak

Josh Dzielak

How to scale community support for APIs

The free tier of many APIs comes with “Community Support”. In this talk, from DevXcon 2017, Algolia’s Josh Dzielak describes the work they’ve done to automate and streamline community support.

Romain Huet

Romain Huet

Eight tips for API design: Romain Huet at DevXcon

Stripe’s Romain Huet spoke at DevXcon San Francisco 2017 with the talk Building for Builders.

Baruch Sadogursky

Baruch Sadogursky

Let’s wing it: a study in dev rel strategy

Developer relations strategy is often an afterthought. In this talk, Baruch Sadogursky asks whether that’s okay and gets the opinion of dev rel leaders from companies large and small.

Phil Leggetter

Phil Leggetter

Introducing the AAARRRP devrel strategy framework

Every other part of business has fancy frameworks to plan their strategies. Now, thanks to Phil Leggetter, devrel has one too.

Andy Piper

Andy Piper

Rebooting a community

How do you make things right in a developer community when something has gone wrong?

Luke Marsden

Luke Marsden

Building developer experience for Weave Cloud

How do you build the right developer experience for a new developer-targeted product?

Marek Jelen

Marek Jelen

EVMan: event management tool for devrel teams

How do you keep track of all the events your developer relations team attends?

Nicolas Lesconnec

Developer experience for IoT

How should you build the developer experience for an IoT product?

John Stevenson

John Stevenson

Communication improbable

What should we do to communicate our message to the different audiences we address in developer relations?

Stuart McCaul

Stuart McCaul

How to work with the sales team

Sales and developer relations people often have quite different views of the world. How, then, can they work together effectively?

Yelena Jetpyspayeva

Yelena Jetpyspayeva

Building developer communities in Russia

What are the unique challenges of building developer communities in Russia?

Mandi Walls

Mandi Walls

Community in a box

How do you create a new developer community when moving to a new locality or group of people?

Rey Bango

Rey Bango

Measuring developer evangelism: Rey Bango

How should we measure developer relations? Is it about leads, downloads, awareness?

Tim Messerschmidt

Tim Messerschmidt

Engaging across the business

As developer relations practitioners, how do we maintain our connection to, partnerships with and influence over other parts of the business?