The secrets of content creation for DevRels


Jeremy Morgan

Job title

Senior Developer Evangelist




DevRelCon 2021

Your success in developer relations hangs on your ability to create compelling content. You can have an amazing stage presence, the best recording gear, and tell the funniest jokes. None of that matters without great content at the core of your presentation. You need to stand out in a vast sea of content.

In this session from DevRelCon 2021, Jeremy covers how to capture your audience’s attention, teach them something new, and inspire them to talk about you. Whether it’s for a keynote speech, an article, or a live stream you will have a new set of tools to craft the right message and impress your audience.

You’ll learn how to find “the point” behind your message that resonates with a problem your audience is having. You’ll create solid takeaways that will lead your audience to a solution to their problems. You’ll learn to create content that’s so useful and compelling it will give you the confidence to own the stage and create an unforgettable experience.


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